Friday, July 12, 2013

Sometimes you just gotta pick your battles

If there's one thing I've learned about parenting at this point it's that there's always something to work on. Whether it be moving on from the nipple shield, getting on a schedule, sleeping through the night, eating solids or sleeping flat, all of these challenges come with change. I don't know about your baby, but my baby HATES change. She likes what she knows and what she's used to so if I'm going to change it up, you can bet your butt she's gonna have a fuss over it.

So how do I deal with these changes and transitions? One at a time. Yes, in an ideal world I wouldn't promote one negative behavior when trying to fix another but this is not an ideal world and sometimes, I just need to pick my battles. Is it more important to get my baby sleeping safely in her crib or getting her to self-sooth herself to sleep? Obviously, safety is most important so that is the first battle I will face first. If I have to get up and rock her back to sleep ten times a night just to get her to sleep flat in her crib, then that's what I'm going to do. Once we master sleeping safely, we will move on to self soothing herself back to sleep but she can't sooth herself back to sleep if she doesn't know how to sleep in the position I put her in. 

I need to remember that she is a baby and her little brain can only take in so much information and change at once. Baby steps and patience are the keys for change in our home.

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